The Good Life France Magazine brings you the best of France - inspirational and exclusive features, fabulous photos, mouth-watering recipes, tips, guides, ideas and much more...
Published by the award winning team at The Good Life France
By France holiday expert Karen Slater of J'Adore La France
Champagne Bubbles, vineyards, bubbles, chateaux, Champagne is a wonderful place to spend a few autumnal days : a visit to the ever impressive city of Reims with its magnificent Cathedral followed by some champagne tasting at Maison Mumm or the Grande Maison de Champagne Taittinger or to Veuve Clicquot. A drive or stroll along the Avenue de Champagne in Epernay, just 15 miles from Reims, is a must. It is here in Epernay you will find the famous Maison de Champagne Moët & Chandon. The colours of the rolling hillsides surrounding the vineyards are breath-taking in the autumn.
The 12th century cathedral in the c
Photo: Morzine Tourist Office/Giles
Photo: Morzine Tourist Office/Jarry
"Friendly French Scheme - participa
The Incredible Cave of Pont D'Arc
French Language Lesson -Tongue Twis
ASK THE EXPERTS Got a Question abou
Credit Morzine Tourist Office JB Bi
So what would you do differently if
What about pensions? Where are they
What is a Carte de Resident - and h
If you hoped your home would get yo
During the years of my doctoral res
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3 Granny Smith apples 2 pears (we u
By Countess Alex Coquille St Jacque
Karen Burns-Booth cre Ingredients 4
My Good Life in I love autumn in Fr