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Win a copy of Onl brilliant book of s Left and right: streets in Montparnasse, a wealth of hidden beauty; below left the famous Moulin de la Vierge; below: the roof top public garden Atlantique which covers the Gare Montparnasse Roof top garden Montparnasse station A little to the south is the Gare Montparnasse, where the German military command relinquished Paris in 1944 (celebrated in a superb museum), and which today is home to the rooftop Jardin Atlantique. Further less well-known treasures lie beyond, including what is perhaps the city’s most extraordinary church. The Église Notre-Dame-du-Travail at 59 Rue Vercingétorix appears unexceptional until one enters it. Built in 1901 and clearly influenced by the work of Gustave Eiffel, its nave is supported on a visible iron framework, installed it is said to make factory workers in the congregation feel at home! More likely the success of the Eiffel Tower had set a constructional trend. This tour of Montparnasse finishes farther along the street with the Moulin de la Vierge at number 105. Surprisingly for such a regular-looking street, this tiny bakery is an astonishing Belle Époque jewel, with mirrored walls and a glorious painted ceiling. The Pain au Raisins are excellent and if you ask nicely the baker might let you peek at the century-old cast iron oven in the cellar. My time in Montparnasse reiterated a valuable lesson in city travelling. By getting off the beaten track a more intimate experience can often be had – and in so doing a more indelible memory taken away.
y in Paris, Duncan Smith's ecret Paris page 84 Living in Paris Montparnasse is on the edge of 6th, 7th, 14th and 15th arrondissements. The area is wellknown for its cinemas and theatres on the Boulevard du Montparnasse and La Gaité. There are great shops in Boulevard Raspail and Rue de Rennes with Beau Marché just 10 minutes away. There are three regular street markets in the area: Marché Raspail, the most glamorous and expensive on the Left Bank, where celebrities shop. Marché Edgar Quinet across the street from the Cementery of Montparnasse, an excellent market. Marché Port Royal/Val de Grace - said to be the friendliest market in the city! Paris property expert Dominique Petit picks three stunning properties for sale: €364,000 click here for more info In the centre of lovely Montmartre over-looking a famous square with a village vibe. Close to all the shops, cafes and restaurants - welcome to Paris! In the Latin Quarter: At the heart of the lively Mouffetard neighbourhood (5th), famous for its market. Recently renovated with great rooftop views. €468,000 click here for more info €848,000 click here for more info Paris 4th - Ile de la Cite island: Superbly located on the Quai aux Fleurs, overlooking the Seine and just behind Notre-Dame Cathedral. It doesn't get much better than this!
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