The Good Life France Magazine brings you the best of France - inspirational and exclusive features, fabulous photos, mouth-watering recipes, tips, guides, ideas and much more...
Published by the award winning team at The Good Life France
2. As a qualified financial advisor in France, it’s my job and that of my team to keep on top of new developments in the finance world that affect expats and to keep helping our clients make the most of their opportunities and finances. For instance, in France in 2018 there may be changes to investment income capital gains tax and to French wealth tax changes. We study the changes in detail and explain them in plain English and we will look to make recommendations to protect your assets and maximise your savings and minimise your tax liability. Low interest rates may affect your financial future, especially if you maintain funds in the UK where if you’re leaving your savings in instant access accounts you’re likely to have seen your money fall in value due to rising inflation and low interest rates. If you want to earn an income from your financial assets, a good financial advisor can help you assess the alternatives. For some investments you may have to be prepared to accept a risk but we’ll advise you on all aspects of what risk there is so you can make an informed decision. Please contact Jennie Poate if you would like a free, confidential, no obligation review of your finances at: Tel: 0044 333 2416966 3. You’ll gain clarity and greater confidence about your financial assets. Uncertainly about what Brexit brings, low interest rates, rising inflation – they all have an impact on our lives, especially expats where there’s also the added confusion about how banking, tax and finance works in a foreign country. * Source: The Value of Financial Advice, International Longevity Centre – UK Network). Nexus Global is a division within Blacktower Financial Management (International) Limited (BFMI). All approved individual members of Nexus Global are Appointed Representatives of BFMI. BFMI is licensed and regulated by the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission and bound by their rules under licence number FSC00805B. And the information on this page is intended as an introduction only and is not designed to offer solutions or advice. Beacon Global Wealth Management can accept no responsibility whatsoever for losses incurred by acting on the information on this page.
Bonjour! Welcome to the winter issu
contents Features 8 A tale of two c
P 88 88 give aways Win a row of gor
The Medieval City of Carcassonne Th
The inside track The Medieval city
Left: Le Parc Franck Putelat restau
astide saint-louis Back in the midd
The weekly market (Tuesday, Thursda
information Getting to Carcassone:
When Louis XIV visited Orange, he s
The theatre at Orange continues to
The inside track The centre of Oran
Stay at: Au Vin Chambré is a lovel
There’s a little on-site shop whe
But the famous golf courses of the
If you arrive in Nimes via train as
More Roman stuff Two thousand years
The Inside Track Late night dinners
Nice Carnival for winter fun in the
Above: the house where Matisse once
We asked our favourite Paris locals