The Good Life France Magazine

The Good Life France Magazine brings you the best of France - inspirational and exclusive features, fabulous photos, mouth-watering recipes, tips, guides, ideas and much more...

Published by the award winning team at The Good Life France

2 years ago

Issue No. 17

Packed with fabulous features: Carcassonne, Nimes, Orange in Provence, Nice Carnival, Paris at Christmas, Laval in Mayenne, absinthe, the fashion district of Paris, recipes, guides and more. Our secret ingredient is passion!

There are six videos

There are six videos which give a feel to what life was like in the studio. His colleagues take you from the conception of a garment to its sale. It was fascinating. It really does take a village - over 200 people worked with Saint Laurent. This is a museum with a capital M. The Fondation owns 34,703 objects. They include personal items, couture, costumes created for ballet and films, accessories, sketches, photographs, and works of art—including four paintings of Saint Laurent by Andy Warhol. Because of the magnitude of the collection, there will be a rotation several times a year. A reason to return —regularly. Musee Yves Saint Laurent website website