The Good Life France Magazine

The Good Life France Magazine brings you the best of France - inspirational and exclusive features, fabulous photos, mouth-watering recipes, tips, guides, ideas and much more...

Published by the award winning team at The Good Life France

2 years ago

Issue No. 17

Packed with fabulous features: Carcassonne, Nimes, Orange in Provence, Nice Carnival, Paris at Christmas, Laval in Mayenne, absinthe, the fashion district of Paris, recipes, guides and more. Our secret ingredient is passion!

Living in France What's

Living in France What's it really like to live in France? We've all heard about the high quality of life, superb climate and low crime rate. Joanna Leggett of Leggett Immobilier looks more closely at the practical issues The golden rule is: 'you'll get out what you put in'. Even if your French is basic, your efforts to communicate will be appreciated. Try to learn the language. Introduce yourself to your neighbours and visit your Mairie. Establishing contact with the Mairie staff will be useful when you need advice, and making friends with your neighbours will enhance your French life. You can even join the Comité des Fêtes: if you take part in community events, you'll meet the locals and become accepted.

KEEP IT LOCAL Use local workmen for renovation work. Importing a team of craftsmen won’t endear you to your neighbours. French artisans are used to working with local materials, meeting regulatory standards and handling the necessary paperwork. HEALTHCARE According to the World Health Organisation, France has one of the best healthcare systems in the world. All workers in France pay 20% of their salaries into the state system, and French residents have access to it. The state pays part – sometimes all – of their medical costs. EU expats arriving in France need an S1 form to apply for state healthcare. When you register into the system, you receive a medical identity card – the green Carte Vitale. The health specialist logs it into a central computer whenever you pay medical expenses. You need to register with a GP (Médecin Traitant). Each visit requires an immediate payment, but the state reimburses 70%. Many people choose a 'top-up' insurance – a Mutuelle – to cover the rest of the costs.