The Good Life France Magazine brings you the best of France - inspirational and exclusive features, fabulous photos, mouth-watering recipes, tips, guides, ideas and much more...
Published by the award winning team at The Good Life France
change. Apps are a form of software which provides a means to carry out a task such as shopping or games. In 2020, there were almost 3 million apps available for downloading in Google Play Store, enabling users to access a huge variety of digital services. Banks are responding to this appetite for apps by launching new apps which are secure and offer more services. Ma Banque is an app developed by Crédit Agricole Normandie to enable customers to consult and manage accounts and budgets as well as carrying out daily banking transactions. You can view multiple accounts, transfer money immediately safely and securely as well as review balances on loans and interest on savings accounts. In addition, the app allows you to budget and control your spending, with handy alerts on accounts and budget overruns. High speed internet Another reason for the digital change is the expansion of high speed internet coverage. The French government published a plan ‘Plan France Haut/Très Haut Débit’ with a target to provide highspeed broadband of at least 30 mbps to all of France by 2022. Despite slow progress in many areas, it is fair to say though that fast broadband including fibre optic services are gradually being rolled out throughout the country, enabling people to use their computers for online banking and shopping. However access to high speed internet in France is far from universal; currently an estimated 6 million people lack a minimum quality access to the internet, particularly in rural areas. Expectations are changing For us as customers, some things will never change. We want to receive a good quality service, at a reasonable price and within a realistic timescale. However our needs and expectations are changing. Some credit this to the so-called ‘Amazon effect’, whereby consumers can find and purchase products with only a few clicks, getting the items delivered straight to their door. Research reveals a shift in expectations particularly amongst younger generations. These age groups – often referred to as ‘Generation X’ and ‘Millennials’ are used to the speed and flexibility of online banking and prefer the digital experience. But this attitude is affecting all age groups. One in five people over the age of 65 now has an online bank account, a trend which is likely to increase. As COVID19 continues to restrict activity, particularly for more vulnerable people, the ability to undertake everyday financial transactions such as for paying bills online and ordering shopping is even more crucial. The pandemic may also hasten the move to a cashless society; a February 2021 survey by the Banque de France found that 39% of French citizens have reduced their use of cash since March 2020. The future is personal Customers want to feel valued. The growth in e-commerce and digitalisation in all services including banking, offers choice and greater diversity of services, all easily accessible by using our fingertips. To deliver a personalised service in
our digital age requires data; historical customer data based on personal experience. The massive growth in available data, the development of algorithms and Artificial Intelligence (AI) is central to this trend. French banks, along with financial institutions across the world, are now heavily investing in this form of innovation. Personalised email messages can be delivered to customers, blog content, offers and services can be tailored based upon previous activity online. Chatbots Chatbots are arguably one of the most exciting technological advances in recent years, allowing computers to communicate intelligently with humans using natural language. They can provide customer support services, asking a user to specify their problem, providing information or directing them to the appropriate place. Linked to social media profiles such as Facebook and Messenger, Chatbots work 24/7. The future is digital For some people, digital advances may be confusing. At CA Britline we understand that not everyone wishes to communicate with a chatbot or use their bank purely for online transactions. For us, banking is about people as well, and we are always here to talk to and help our customers. CA Britline is part of Crédit Agricole Normandie, one of France’s largest and oldest banks. We provide services to English speakers in France, Ireland and second home owners in the UK. Find out more:
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Contents Features 8 Spotlight on: A
Recipes Gastronomy 96 Travel with y
‘’Now I have been happy. Now I
“My god it’s beautiful” Napol
Veyrier-le-Lac just 5km from Annecy
Above: La Brasserie Irma Lunch: Mid
Seythenex at the food of the Bauges
Treats Cake my Day: Annecy is gifte
Uncover the charms of slow travel i
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