The Good Life France Magazine brings you the best of France - inspirational and exclusive features, fabulous photos, mouth-watering recipes, tips, guides, ideas and much more...
Published by the award winning team at The Good Life France
Treats and sweetsHead to rue des Marchands for yet moretreats. It’s easy to find with its landmark16th century clock tower in GothicProvencal style with a distinctive lacy domelooming at one end of the streetPatisserie Rousset offers drool-worthycrystallised fruit, nougat, confectionary andice cream.Passion Chocolat is where Chef AlainBouchard makes gateaux to make your eyespop. People come from miles around for hisawesome macarons and gorgeous cakes likethe Galapian d’Apt. Bouchard created thisspeciality in 1994 in honour of the candiedfruits of the town.And, according to local Martine DiCicco, thebest bakery/cake shop in town is Au PierrotBlanc 36 rue des Marchands. The familybusiness specialises in lavender and theirgrandfather invented the first lavender icecream.“They produce lavender cookies,lavender chocolate cake, lavendermarshmallows and a lavender flowerbaguette which goes perfectly with goatcheese.”Anyone who likes all things sugary and sweetwill love visiting this town not just for itssun-kissed streets, it’s wonderful cafés andgourmet food shops but for the local sweetspeciality…
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Recipes and wine matchesIngredients
Ingredients for 4250g Cream cheese