The Good Life France Magazine

The Good Life France Magazine brings you the best of France - inspirational and exclusive features, fabulous photos, mouth-watering recipes, tips, guides, ideas and much more...

Published by the award winning team at The Good Life France

3 years ago

Issue No.26

Photos: Martine

Photos: Martine DiCiccoWhere to eat out in AptThere are plenty of restaurants and cafes inthe town and sitting under the shade of aleafy plane tree on a sunny day withsomething chilled and locally made is one oflife's great pleasures. Warm summerevenings are enhanced with tapas like disheson terraces. And on Saturdays, market day,the restaurants buzz with life as the localsfrom miles around come to town.Locals love: Restaurant Chez Sylla whre thelocals meet and indulge. In the cool winecellar enjoy seasonal dishes, superb salads,great quality farmhouse cheeses and finebreads. The sommelier is known for his greatadvice on wines!406, avenue de Lançon - 84400 AptDon’t miss: Restaurant Carnot on the quaintPlace Carnot, by the swan fountain,surrounded by 17th and 18th centurybuildings. Delicious home-cooked dishes andfriendly, the chef always comes to meetguests and chat – locals say “it’s like eatingat home.” A true taste of Provence.35 place Carnot 84400 Apt