The Good Life France Magazine

The Good Life France Magazine brings you the best of France - inspirational and exclusive features, fabulous photos, mouth-watering recipes, tips, guides, ideas and much more...

Published by the award winning team at The Good Life France

3 years ago

Issue No.26

Autumn Leaves was

Autumn Leaves was composed hereIn the 1940s, French poet and screenwriterJacques Prévert rented a house inTourrettes-sur-Loup. Together with hisfriend Joseph Kosma, a composer, he wrotethe film “Les Portes de la Nuit”. In the movie,Yves Montand hummed along to a tunenamed "Les Feuilles Mortes". The songcrossed the Atlantic and became a jazzstandard. Johnny Mercer wrote the Englishlyrics and gave it the title "Autumn Leaves".It has been covered by many huge namesfrom Bing Crosby, Chet Baker, Nat KingCole, Tony Bennett, Miles Davis, Doris Day,Frank Sinatra and Barbara Streisand to EricClapton.This song is recognized as "the mostimportant non-American standard" and hasbeen recorded some 1400 times bymainstream and modern jazz musicians. It’sthe eighth most-recorded tune by jazzmen.The Village of VioletsFor over a century, the village has beenfamous for its cultivation of violets, a typecommonly known as "Victoria". The “VioletVillage”, is the only village in France to growthem so intently.The violets grow all year round. The springflowers are picked and used in confectionery.

In summer, the leaf is cut and sent to Grassefor use in the perfume industry. In autumnand winter, the flowers are picked to formbouquets.Since 1952, the village has organized anannual “Fête des Violettes” (Flower Festival).This celebration usually takes place in Marchto mark the end of the season and thearrival of spring.Don't miss:The Church of Saint-GregoryBuilt in the 12th century, the Church wasmodified in the 16th and 19th centuries. Ithas a Romano-Renaissance style entranceand houses remarkable furniture made up ofpaintings, sculptures and altars.La Bastide aux Violettes“La Bastide aux Violettes” museum isdedicated to the cultivation of violets. Youcan visit the flower greenhouses betweenNovember and March and discover themethods of cultivation.Open all year from Tuesday to Saturday; entryis free.