The Good Life France Magazine

The Good Life France Magazine brings you the best of France - inspirational and exclusive features, fabulous photos, mouth-watering recipes, tips, guides, ideas and much more...

Published by the award winning team at The Good Life France

3 years ago

Issue No.26

Les GetsThe perfect

Les GetsThe perfect summer playground torecharge your batteries in the French Alpssays Janine MarshLes Gets is part of the Portes du Soleil, one of the biggest ski areas in the world. But it’s notjust a winter destination. When the snow melts and the white slopes turn green, it’s theperfect summer playground with a host of activities from hiking to biking, culture, fabulousrestaurants, spas, invigorating mountain air and a brand new, unique in Europe, year-roundsound and light show.When I told my neighbour (I live in a small village in northern France) that I was going to LesGets for a few days, she assured me I’d feel like a new woman with the fresh mountain air.“It’s special, pure and clean, you’ll be whizzing up those mountain slopes in no time” shesaid. Of course I dismissed this as French folly. I took the train from Paris to Geneva,hopped on a Skiddy Gonzales transfer shuttle and alighted frazzled and weary. Myneighbour was right though – it took just a matter of hours to feel rejuvenated, refreshedand revitalised. There’s definitely something in that mountain air…

Hikes, bikes and spas - Summer in Les GetsHikeMajestic mountains surround the village ofLes Gets and they’re perfect for hiking andbiking for all levels. There are chair lifts andcable cars working throughout the summerwhich makes reaching the summit a bit of adoddle. You’ll get stunning views over MontBlanc and scenery that looks like somethingout of your imagination.I took the Mont Chéry gondola lift and thenhiked about an hour on the Chavannesslopes up to the restaurant Les Chavannes.It took me longer because I stopped so manytimes to soak up the views. I passed herds ofgoats and cows wearing bells which soundedlike an orchestra of elves. There are lushforests and meadows of wildflowers,cascades of fauna and flora and waterfallswhich look like a curtain of diamonds.Traditional style chalets dot the slopes andparagliders float overhead. The summer sunshone down but high up in the mountains,it’s still cool. You can get a map of hikes fromthe tourist office (they’ll even suggest thebest picnic spots) and follow the markedfootpaths or go with a guide. There’s a littletourist train that stops at the restaurant too,though it isn’t frequent.There are lakes you can take a dip in, secretchapels, cheese farms and fabulous pottersin the hills, plenty to tempt as you wander.BikeLes Gets is heaven for cyclists. It’s reputed tobe the best mountain biking terrain in thealps. Road bike, mountain bikes, enduro ande-bikes – you’ll find it all here.