The Good Life France Magazine brings you the best of France - inspirational and exclusive features, fabulous photos, mouth-watering recipes, tips, guides, ideas and much more...
Published by the award winning team at The Good Life France
Cinéscénie – a world class recordbreakerJust outside the park, by the main entranceis the location for Cinéscénie, which manypeople add on to their visit. If you don't,you'll be missing out on a record breakingevent.It is the world’s biggest night-time show andjust when you think you can’t be any furthersurprised by Puy du Fou – you discoveryou’re wrong.4,200 volunteers, known as Puyfolais, takepart, some of them have been involved for43 years, since Puy du Fou began. 2,550actors, 28,000 costumes, herds of animals, a23 hectare stage (the equivalent to 23 fullsize football pitches!). It’s impossible to takeit all in – it’s just so monumental. The storyfollows the destiny of a family from theMiddle Ages to the Second World War, andit all takes place on the world’s biggest stage.Pure magicThe staff are really friendly and welcomingthroughout the park. It’s a marvellousmelting pot of history, a feast of fantasy andfairy tale, a smorgasbord of sensationalspecial effects and fabulous fireworks..And no matter your age, Puy du Fou bringsout your inner child.It's brilliantly bewitching...
Where to stayDefinitely on site! I stayed at the GrandSiecle Hotel, it’s faux Versailles butbeautifully done (and the shower wassuperb). The staff dress in costume: fromreception to restaurant! The hotel backs onto fields where early in the morning the birdsof prey are trained and exercised, an amazingsight. There are 6 themed hotels so pick yourfavourite historic period and sleep in thedays of Rome, the middle ages, the 16th orthe 18th century.Where to eatThere are 22 restaurants and snack bars onsite, I tried several! The restaurants of Tabledes Ambassadeurs (Grand Siecle) and at theCamp du Drap d’Or (in the style of the Fieldof the cloth of gold, Henry VIII, or rather hiscompetitor French King Francis 1) bothoffered buffet style lunch and dinner. Ithought they were great value for thegenerous portions and well cooked food.90% of the cold meats, salads andvegetables – including Noirmoutier potatoesand mogettes (white beans) – are sourcedlocally.Tip: book your table when you book yourtickets on the website, restaurants have setmeal times and are really popular.There are plenty of places to have a snack,drink, ice cream as well as picnic areas.How to get to thereIf you go to Puy du Fou by car, there’s plentyof parking on site. If going by public transporttake a train from Paris to Angers then ashuttle bus direct to the park.Tip: The Puy du Fou shuttle bus leaves fromjust in front of Quai A (bus stop A) at the busstation (gare routiere to the left as you exitthe station). If you have time, take a wanderin Angers, it’s a short walk to the castle andthe old town.Book tickets and find out more at:
26 Autumn/Winter
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RecipesDelicious French dishes and
Pays de SaultThere are few more bre