The Good Life France Magazine

The Good Life France Magazine brings you the best of France - inspirational and exclusive features, fabulous photos, mouth-watering recipes, tips, guides, ideas and much more...

Published by the award winning team at The Good Life France

2 years ago

Issue No.26

The great Autumn

The great Autumn giveaway...We've got some great prizes to give away - enter them all and don't forget to sharewith your friends! Just click on each giveaway to enter each draw...We’ve teamed up with La Chambre Paris to giveaway a top of the range set of luxury linenbedding. Not just gorgeous bedding, La ChambreParis are respectful of the environment in theirproduction. One lucky winner will receive a fullbed set of 1 x duvet cover, 1 x fitted sheet and 2 xpillowcases. They can choose the fabric, colourand sizes of their choice. La Chambre Paris willalso pay for the shipping to any country withinEurope/America.Competition closes on 1 December so the luckywinner will have them in time for Christmas!CLICK HERE TO ENTER THE DRAW FORGORGEOUS FRENCH BEDDINGSamantha Verant’s debutnovel is a delicious read…A disgraced chefrediscovers her passion forfood and her roots in thisstunning novel rich inculture and full ofdelectable recipes. Acharming, feel-good read...CLICK HERE TO WIN AN AUDIO COPY OF THESECRET RECIPES OF SOPHIE VALROUXThis is lovely coffee table bookby artist Perry Taylor, an‘Anglo-Gascon’ view of life inrural France that takes youaway from the cares of today’sworld. It makes you smile andnod in recognition if you knowGascony and yearn to discoverit for yourself if you don’t.CLICK HERE TO ENTER THEDRAW FOR PLANETEGASCOGNE

Paris, Part Time is a different kind of love story - it is anadventurous evolution of self-creation and determination toovercome obstacles and time zones. Lisa Baker Mogan willtake the reader to the streets, cuisine, culture, and matchlessbeauty of France.CLICK HERE TO ENTER THE DRAW FOR PARIS, PARTTIMEFalling for France wasn’t partof the Mediterraneanhoneymoon agenda. Palerosé, languid lunches on asun-dappled terrace, and adash of reckless abandon mayhave been to blame.Americans Gayle SmithPadgett and her husband,Ralph, leap into a longdistancelove affair with LaBelle France.CLICK HERE TO ENTERTHE DRAW FOR PASSIONFOR PROVENCEAlignment is a heartwarmingstandalone women’scontemporary fiction novel. Ifyou like insight into the humanheart, characters with realdepth, and stories that staywith you long after the end,then you’ll love Tracy Chollet’saward-winning novel.CLICK HERE TO ENTER THEDRAW FOR ALIGNMENTTold with warmth andhumour, Janine Marsh's'My Four Seasons in Franceshowcases a uniquelyFrench way of life: wheretwo eternally ambitiousexpats drag a neglectedfarmhouse to life, and dealwith the accompanyingdisasters, learn to growvegetables, discover howto cook, and stumbleacross the hidden gems ofthis very special part of theworld.CLICK HERE TO ENTER THE DRAWFOR MY FOUR SEASONS IN FRANCE