The Good Life France Magazine

The Good Life France Magazine brings you the best of France - inspirational and exclusive features, fabulous photos, mouth-watering recipes, tips, guides, ideas and much more...

Published by the award winning team at The Good Life France

3 years ago

Issue No.26

House & contents

House & contents InsuranceThere are two main types of policy: ‘new forold’ cover that essentially pays for you topurchase replacements as new. The secondtype of policy reimburses you, however,there is a deduction for the age of the item.Car InsuranceIf you’re bringing your UK registered car toFrance, there are several things you need todo including arranging your car insurance.You have up to 6 months to ensure yourvehicle conforms to French regulations, suchas changing the car headlamps and puttingthe car through its Contrôle Technique (likean MoT) to obtain a carte grise.Note: Depending on the terms of the Brexitdeal between the UK and EU, you may needto exchange your UK driving licence for aFrench one.Registering your vehicle and exchangingyour driving licence are both undertakenonline.In 2019 France launched a database calledFichier des Véhicules Assurés (FVA). Thischecks if vehicles are not appropriatelyinsured – and is linked to other systems.Top-Up Health InsuranceIn France, the state generally funds 70% ofhealthcare costs. The other 30% is theresponsibility of the individual. Top-UpHealth Insurance is provided by mutualhealth companies. Referred to ascomplementary healthcare cover or themutuelle, this system reimburses you for theremainder of the cost of your healthcare.Private health insurance is another option,but it’s more expensive.In France you are legally required to haveinsurance for health, homes and property,motor vehicles, civil liability and even forchildren attending school. For those in selfemploymentbusiness insurance is a legalrequirement too.A Carte Vitale is used every time you go tothe doctor, dentist, a pharmacy or visit thehospital. You are eligible for a Carte Vitale ifyou have lived in France for at least 3months.Life in France after BrexitThe UK formally left the EU in January 2020as part of the Withdrawal Agreement (WA)and the transition period maintaining thesame rules on trade, travel and business endson 31 December 2020. UK citizens will nolonger have the same rights as they do nowand are expected to have a similar status toexpats from the US, Australia and othercountries.Of course, you can continue to buy propertyin France after 1 January 2021, either as asecond home or for a permanent move.However, UK citizens moving to France onlyhave up until 31 December 2020 to enjoythe benefits of the WA. Advice from the UKGovernment states that after this date, UKcitizens will be subject to national legislativeprovisions and will be required to obtain along-stay visa before going to a prefecture tofile their application for a residence permit.From 1 July 2021 all UK citizens living inFrance must apply for a WithdrawalAgreement residence agreement. Keyrequirements including proving that you canfinancially support yourself and your familyand have access to healthcare.The official UK Government website (“Livingin France”) contains information on manyissues including health matters, pensions andworking in France, as well as driving.CA Britline is part of Crédit Agricole, one ofFrance’s largest banks. Banking, loans andmortgages, insurance and savings – all underone roof. All of our friendly team are Englishspeakers, ready to help you start your new