The Good Life France Magazine brings you the best of France - inspirational and exclusive features, fabulous photos, mouth-watering recipes, tips, guides, ideas and much more...
Published by the award winning team at The Good Life France
What’s New? Roundup of openings and major events In 2021: Paris saw the opening of the historic Hôtel de la Marine, the spectacular Bourse de Commerce | Collection Pinault and the rebirth of La Samaritaine Department Store. A brand new modern art museum housed in the former stables of the 12th century Royal Abbey of Fontevraud in the Loire was opened. It showcases the private collection (some 900 objects from paintings to sculptures and antiques) of Martine and Léon Cligman. In the south of France, the long awaited Frank Gehry tower, the crown jewel of the LUMA Foundation in Arles was completed. And in Narbonne, the Musée Narbo Via designed by Norman Foster, who also designed the world famous Millau Viaduct, opened in May. Featuring a wall of 760 antique stones, the museum brings together over 1,000 antiquities aimed to show the Narbonne’s Roman past when it was known as Narbo Martius. 78 | The Good Life France
© Bassin de Lumieres, Bordeaux -5 In 2022: February 2022 – January 2023: In Bordeaux, the Bassins de Lumières, the largest digital art centre in the world, house in 4 huge basins of the former WWII submarine base will feature “Venice and its Masters,” and another show dedicated to Spanish painter Sorolla. Plage Dieppe Plage Dieppe © B. Collier 12 March – 19 August: 2022 marks the 80th anniversary of the Raid, and with it the occasion to pay tribute to the Canadian soldiers who fought there, many of whom gave their lives fighting for freedom. The ceremonies, commemorations and festivities will take on an international dimension and will feature parades, festivals, military displays, exhibitions and fireworks throughout the year. The Good Life France | 79
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92 Language New series - 5 Minute F
PARIS in the spring “When spring
of asparagus and sweet strawberries
Paris flower market © Nathalie Gef
Au Vieux Paris d'Arcole © Nathalie
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