The Good Life France Magazine brings you the best of France - inspirational and exclusive features, fabulous photos, mouth-watering recipes, tips, guides, ideas and much more...
Published by the award winning team at The Good Life France
Calanques de Piana Piana Calanques de Piana A coach took us via mountain roads several hundred metres above sea level to the town of Porto. We passed the Chateau de la Punta built partially from the stones of the Palace of the Tuileries in Paris which once belonged to Catherine de Medici but was destroyed by fire in the late 1800s. And past Corsica’s highest vineyard at 500m, the area where Corsica’s “king of the outlaws” Nunzio Romanetti once lived. He was no Robin Hood although he was romanticised by many including those with power and influence including Baron Haussmann of Paris and the writer Flaubert. We stopped at the village of Piana, officially one of the prettiest in France, where – typically laid back Corsica, the church bells struck 10 o’clock at eight minutes past, as we admired the dazzling views over the Golfe de Porto. In Corsica, you feel it just can’t get any more lovely and then you come across another gorgeous village, vineyard, beach, town. From there we headed to the village of Ota, a popular starting point for hiking the spectacular gorges de Spelunca via an ancient mule trail, and Aitone Forest, to board a boat for the Calanques (or calanche in Corsican) de Piana, a UNESCO World Heritage site, and the highest calanques in Europe. Sheer cliffs and dramatic rock formations jutting out of the inky sea are magnificent, majestic and mesmerising, home to birds including eagle-like ospreys. Mexican belumbra tree Porto Vecchio Porto Vecchio The glittering coastal city of Porto Vecchio on the south side of the island is built on salt marshes where salt is still harvested, the salt pans glinting in the sun as you look out from the town. This is the most deluxe part of Corsica. Several celebrities have homes here, Rihanna was spotted here on holiday recently and George Clooney I’m told – though not together, don’t be starting any rumours! Fabulous beaches and a lively, picturesque town make this a favourite with tourists. 12 | The Good Life France
Bonifacio Sunrise on deck arriving at Bonifacio Bonifacio and Lavezzi Islands The best way to see this historic city for the first time is from the sea. As our boat pulled into the harbour, the top deck was bathed in the rays of the rising sun and we tucked into snacks and drinks to the sound of soft music. The towers of Bonifacio were bathed in a soft light, the sky was luminescent blue with hints of pink. There is something ancient about the sight of those soaring cliffs turning apricot coloured as the sun burns off the light mist sitting over the inky waters of the Med. Big cruise ships can’t get through the narrow opening but we glided through and it felt magical to witness this special sight. Bonifacio feels authentic. It’s stunningly hilly and its maze of cobbled winding streets are lined with medieval buildings and tall old houses in shades of muted yellows and oranges with delicate iron work balconies from which washing hangs, pale pastel coloured shutters closed against the growing heat of the dawning day. There are plenty of restaurants and bars, and shops selling jewellery carved from local red coral – said to ward off the evil eye. At Rocca Serra ice cream bar, they sell an ice cream flavoured with clementine, mandarin and macquis which legend claims was invented when Napoleon fell in love with a local woman and gave her a coral necklace – and in return she gave him an ice cream made to that recipe! Corsica is known as the ‘city of coral’ inspiring Matisse to capture it on canvas. One of the most incredible sites in the city is The Good Life France | 13
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