The Good Life France Magazine brings you the best of France - inspirational and exclusive features, fabulous photos, mouth-watering recipes, tips, guides, ideas and much more...
Published by the award winning team at The Good Life France
As a colour enthusiast, I well remember my first months in the Bearn, walking around local villages with my head constantly cranking upwards, then forwards, then up again as I collected photos of shutters and doors in their hundreds. I saw shutters in my sleep; subtle shades of blue so close to one another… yet just different enough to make me revisit those houses again and again. What was it that made them so special, I wondered; there couldn’t have been that many shades available fifty or sixty years ago when they were painted. And then I realised: this was the baked-in patina. I began to notice that the blue-painted shutters and doors on southfacing sides of the buildings were slightly more sun-faded compared with their northfacing cousins; these were more weatherbeaten in appearance, after decades of being battered by storms blown inland from the Atlantic. Some paint colours were so old – and flaking away badly – that only a single precious chip remained, clinging to the timber. It was at this stage that I decided to start collecting samples and convert each one Orthez How to find the perfect French blue Sara Silm, photographer, stylist and author of How to French Country, lives in a Béarnaise village at the foothills of the Pyrenees mountains, from where she shares her love of the many shades of French blues and greens 84 | The Good Life France The Good Life France | 85
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e France is brimming with romantic
It’s chock-a-block full of tapest
Charles de Gaulle Airport, plus it
Carpentas © A Hocquel, Vaucluse To
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