The Good Life France Magazine

The Good Life France Magazine brings you the best of France - inspirational and exclusive features, fabulous photos, mouth-watering recipes, tips, guides, ideas and much more...

Published by the award winning team at The Good Life France

1 year ago

Summer 2023

  • Text
  • Medieval villages
  • French food
  • Normandy
  • Photos france
  • Castles france
  • Best france holidays
  • Where to visit in france
  • Recipes
  • France travel
  • France
  • Paris
  • Provence
Chock-full of fantastic features and stunning photographs. You'll find inspiring, entertaining & informative destination features - French Riviera, Provence, Loire Valley, Mont-Saint-Michel, Alpine villages and secret places, recipes from French foodie legends, culture and history and much, much more... Bringing France to you wherever you are!

want. Check on the

want. Check on the French Government website to see which suits you best. It depends on where you live as to how long it takes to sort out a visa, but allow at least 2-3 months: Once you’re in France, in order to stay permanently, you’ll need to apply for a Carte de Sejour. Read more about applying for visas and completing this process in detail here. Healthcare If you’re employed by a French company – you should get access to healthcare straightaway. If not, whether you’re retired or working for yourself, you’ll need to be resident in France for at least three months before you can apply. Vitale (healthcare), driving licence etc. Have the originals and, importantly, copies of these documents to hand. The chances are that you’ll need to send documents multiple times. And some authorities may require you to organise authorised translations. At the very least, here’s what you’re likely to need. • Birth certificate • Marriage certificate • Driving licence • Diplomas if thinking of setting up a business • Proof of purchase of home in France/proof of residency • Bank statements for last 12 months Working in France Some people retire, some people continue to work for the same company they did back home – but from France. Fast internet for home working is available in much of France (but if you do rely on this, check the area you’re buying in first – some places still have slow Broadband. If you want to earn an income in France then one of the most popular ways is to go freelance, and registering as a microentrepreneur is one of the most popular ways to do that. Basically it means you are the founder of a micro business, generally a small company with minimal investment. You’re restricted as to how much your business may turnover before needing to register as something else other than micro entrepreneur (currently it is between €77,700 and €188,700 per year, depending on what type of business it is). And certain types of business are excluded from becoming microentrepreneurs, for instance some finance companies, health professionals and accountants. fabulously easy. Insurance services for English speakers in France Speak to a dedicated English-speaking Broker who’s also a French native speaker so to avoid the pitfalls and headaches of the French system. Medical Insurance Home Insurance Car Insurance Visa Insurance and more We work with more than 30 insurers and many more providers so we are always able to find the best and most affordable solution for your situation. We’ve got you covered. 33 (0)5 35 65 50 50 Moving to France, made easy Relocating to a new country can be frustrating and sometimes stressful, especially in a different language BUT DON’T WORRY French Connections HCB is your one-stop administration partner in France. HOUSE PURCHASES • RESIDENCY DOCUMENTATION • VEHICLE REGISTRATION PROCESSING • DRIVING LICENCE EXCHANGE • BUSINESS CONSULTANCY FINANCIAL ADVICE SERVICES • PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION ...and a whole host of other support services. NEW FRENCH PERSONAL ASSISTANT SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE If you need on-going support having already moved to France, our monthly subscription service could be just what you need. For just 89€ per month, it will save you time and limit frustration while you enjoy your life in France. Contact us today for more information. Paperwork You will need paperwork to apply for just about everything: Carte de Sejour, Carte The benefits of setting up as micro entrepreneur include that dealing with administration, paying taxes and accounting are all deliberately kept simple. TO FIND OUT MORE ABOUT HOW WE CAN HELP OR TO BOOK A FREE 15 MINUTE CONSULTATION, GO TO FRENCHCONNECTIONSHCB.COM OR SCAN THE QR CODE +33 1 85 65 74 98 96 | The Good Life France The Good Life France | 97