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best in the world. No other lemons are as juicyas ours, and they have a unique perfume andtaste. Have a bite!” He plucked a lemon froma tree, sliced it expertly and held out a wedge.Now, ordinarily as we all know, biting into alemon makes you wince at the sharpness, butthese lemons are different. They bathe yourtaste buds in utterly delicious, delicate lemonflavour without the acid flinch. The guidesmiled at my surprise “Menton lemons haveIGP (Indication Géographique Protegée), anappellation, they’re like a fine wine. We callthe little lemon beads ‘caviar’” he said. “Eventhe pith is edible, and very prized by chefs.”This heavenly garden is filled with the aromaof citrus fruits and the tranquility is interruptedonly by the sound of an occasional plonk oforanges dropping from the fruit-stuffed trees orfrom bells ringing at a nearby church. Visit for theexquisite views, the fruit tasting, and to see theseextraordinary terraces (visits in French only).What to see and do inMentonMenton’s beaches are among the most beautifulon the French Riviera and whilst you may notfancy a dip in winter, it’s often warm enough for aspot of sunbathing. Picturesque and sandy Plagedes Sablettes is the busiest and most central ofMenton’s beaches and is lined with restaurantsand bars. Take a stroll along the Promenadede la Mer, a palm-tree lined avenue with greatviews over the town. Head to Quai ImpératriceEugenie, one of the most picturesque spots,where you can sit, dip your feet in the water, soakup the sun or enjoy a glorious sunset.Basilica Saint-Michel © Menton, Riviera & Merveilles Franck BarbierZigzag staircase © Menton, Riviera & Merveilles Marine MarrecLa CasettaTear yourself away from the beaches andhead to the old town with its labyrinthof narrow, steep cobbled streets linedwith buildings in every shade of ochreand yellow from pale apricot to flamingsaffron, with shutters painted in strictlycontrolled shades of green and grey. Oneof the most iconic buildings is the 17thcentury lemon-coloured Baroque styleBasilica of St Michael which sits atopa grand zigzag flamboyantly sunflowercoloured staircase. Inside the magnificentceiling frescoes, glorious chandeliers andrich décor are dazzling.He’s not exaggerating. Tests on Mentonlemons grown elsewhere in the Mediterraneanhave proved that the variety grown in itsnative home does have more juice as well as adifferent perfume due to the unique chemicalcomposition of the skin. And the finger-thickpith is soft and creamy. Top chefs around theworld sing the praises of Menton lemons.For a culture hit, Musée Jean Cocteaucelebrates the work of renowned poet,playwright, novelist, designer, filmmakerand artist Jean Cocteau (1889-1963)with a permanent collection of his works,including drawings, ceramics, tapestries,and paintings. The museum is in a 17thcenturyfort which Cocteau decoratedwith beautiful murals and mosaics.12 | The Good Life France The Good Life France | 13
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