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Villard-de-Lans © FOCUS OUTDOORVillard-de-LansThis lively village, with plenty of shops andrestaurants, is in the heart of the VercorsPlateau - it’s charming and bustling.A must-do while you are there is to havea picnic in the woods – nomad style, butluxurious nomad style with Le Cartable aRaclette. On a snowy day, in a pine-treeshadedglade a short walk from the pistes,we sat on chairs made from branches strungtogether bushcraft style and sprinkled withcomfy cushions. We feasted on cheese meltedover a fire and slathered over hot potatoes,mixed with delicious charcuterie and pickles –it was the best raclette ever.Work off the calories with a spot of canirando– snowshoeing with sled dogs who justlove to go for walks with you (ExtraPattes).And talking of dogs, in January 2025, thefinal stage of a very special race—La GrandeOdyssée – ends in this lovely town.The biggest family resort in the Vercorswith 125km of runs to suit all abilities,especially families, plus forested tracksthat are perfect for cross-skiers and snowshoewalking.Take a pottery class with a local artist.Vielle Forge, great ambience, cosyand funky.Grand Hôtel de Paris, A lovely old hotelwith big rooms and fabulous© Benoit Diacre, La Grande OdysséeLa Grande OdysséeLa Grande Odyssée is one of the world’slongest and most challenging dog sled races.Over 10 days in January 2025, the world’sbest mushers and their dogs will travel nearly750 kilometres and pass through severalresorts in the French Alpine areas, includingLes 7 Vaux (21 January), Col de Porte (22January) and Villard-de-Lans (23 January). Atthe start and end, point there’s a partyatmosphere with pop-up bars, food stalls andentertainment, from walks and snowshoehikes, mulled wine, giant tartiflettes, themedexhibitions, children’s introduction to sleddriving and igloo-building.At the race start, the dogs bark excitedly,waiting to dash across the snow and alwaysget the biggest cheers. The length of the rundepends on the weather and snow conditions,and when I was there, it was sunnier thanusual, so the race was cut short so as not towork the dogs too hard, and a dozen vets areon hand to check every dog. In Col de PorteI met up with some lovely sled dogs who werethere specifically to meet their fans and havecuddles! With four dogs of my own, I wasastonished at how calm these sled dogs are.It’s a free event with a brilliant, festiveatmosphere – a true mountain experience inthis winter wonderland.Details: grandeodyssee.comFind heaps more information about Isè | The Good Life France The Good Life France | 29
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