The Good Life France Magazine brings you the best of France - inspirational and exclusive features, fabulous photos, mouth-watering recipes, tips, guides, ideas and much more...
Published by the award winning team at The Good Life France
To Subscribe toTHE GOOD LIFE FRANCE MAGAZINEClick the button belowSUBSCRIBEThe magazine is free to read, download and shareContributorsGillian Thornton is an award-winningtravel writer specialising in Frenchdestinations and lifestyle. Her favouriteplace? ‘Usually where I have just been!’Ally Mitchell is a blogger andfreelance writer, specialising in foodand recipes. Ally left the UK to live inToulouse in 2021 and now writes abouther new life in France on her food blogNigellaEatsEverything.Anna Richards is a writer & guidebookauthor living in Lyon. Her work hasappeared in Lonely Planet, NationalGeographic and many more; she isthe author of Paddling France(Bradt Guides). annahrichards.comJeremy Flint is an award-winningphotographer (Association ofPhotographers Discovery Award Winner,National Geographic Traveller GrandPrize Winner, five-times finalist TravelPhotographer of the Year) and writerspecialising in travel, landscape andlocation photography.Annaliza Davis is an editor, translatorand writer. She lives in Brittany afterfalling in love with the area on a schoolexchange and loves to explore thecoast with her scruffy dog Mimi!Amy McPherson is a London basedtravel writer whose work has beenfeatured in many internationalpublications. When not on assignment,she loves to ride her bike, gorunning along the river Thames,or relax with her cat on her lap.footprintsandmemories.comThe Good Life France MagazineDana Facaros has lived in France forover 30 years. She is the creator ofFrench Food Decoder app: everythingyou want to know about French food,and co-author of the Bradt guide toGascony & the Pyrenees.Christine McKenzie is a Franco-British journalist who writes in bothEnglish and French. Her storieshave been published in anglophoneand francophone media. Marriedto a Frenchman and mother offour, she settled 30 years ago nearFontainebleau.Front Cover: Menton, French RivieraEditor-in-chief: Janine Marsh editor@thegoodlifefrance.comEditorial assistant: Trudy WatkinsPress enquiries: editor@thegoodlifefrance.comAdvertising: sales@thegoodlifefrance.comDigital support: websitesthatwork.comLayout design: Philippa French 2754-6799 Issue 40 Winter 202424858CONTENTSThe Good Life France MagazineNo. 40 Winter 2024ISSN 2754-6799ON THE COVER8 Marvellous MentonThe perfect sunshine winterdestination on the French Riviera.18 Effervescent Epernay!Discover the Champagne city’sluminous winter festival.24 Le weekend in the French AlpsVa va voom to the ski resorts ofisère close to the city of Grenoble.30 Hidden FranceAuthor Martin Walker (Brunoseries), shares his favourite place inFrance.DISCOVER34 The scary Christmas festivalof Nancy!A Christmas festival that’sdefinitely not like the others!38 The treasures of theRhone ValleyDiscover the rich cultural heritageof the Rhone Valley from its river.44 Saint-Bertrand-de-CommingesA tiny village with a big historyAKA the Cathedral of thePyrenees.48 Secret France - HesdinOff the beaten track, this markettown in northern France has a richhistory54 Winning Winter cities in FranceStrasbourg, Sarlat and Nice –perfect Winter destinations.58 Gorgeous Gordes, ProvenceOfficially one of the prettiesttowns in France.4 | The Good Life France The Good Life France | 5
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