The Good Life France Magazine

The Good Life France Magazine brings you the best of France - inspirational and exclusive features, fabulous photos, mouth-watering recipes, tips, guides, ideas and much more...

Published by the award winning team at The Good Life France

3 months ago


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  • Provence
  • Paris
  • Visit france
  • French
  • France
  • Travel
  • Burgundy
  • French alps
  • French riviera
Packed with fabulous features and fantastic photos, inspiring, entertaining and informative guides, mouth-watering recipes from top chefs, history, culture and much, much more. Discover the French Riviera in winter, effervescent Epernay, Champagne, picturesque Provence, and captivating towns and villages, hidden gems and secret France. Find out what's on, what's new and what to cook for a taste of France! Bringing France to you - wherever you are.

French immersion

French immersion coursesLearn French - naturallyand experience the culture of France from the beaches ofNormandy to the heart of ParisSt-Rémy-de-ProvenceArlesLes Baux-de-ProvenceThe Romans arrived here in the second centuryBC and if they were to return today, they’drecognise the amphitheatre, the Thermal Bathsof Constantin and the Theatre. There aregrand churches, ancient buildings, and flowerfestoonedcobbled streets – Arles is one of thosecities that has something to thrill every visitor. In1888 Vincent Van Gogh fell for its charms. Heshared a house with Paul Gaugin, and paintedmany of the masterpieces that have won him alegion of admirers. The café he immortalised inCafé Terrace at Night is instantly recognisable.The hospital where he was treated after cuttingoff his ear has changed little since his iconicpainting which captured the bright colours andflowery courtyard, though it is now full of officesand shops.Hear French,Experience French,Speak French!xpfrance.netView of Arles Amphitheatre from a side streetThe former hospital of Arles, and Van Gogh’s painting…Les Baux-de-Provence is quite different,reached via steep roads, you arrive at aperched village topped by a ruined castle.It’s a small town with just a few roads thatare lined with restaurants and tiny shops. Theviews are dazzling, and you may, like me,leave a little of your heart here.40 | The Good Life France The Good Life France | 41