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Seasons inFrance:Where tovisit in WinterDecember: Strasbourg –AKA: Capital of ChristmasIf you had to pick just one Christmas marketto go to, then Strasbourg in Alsace, thebiggest Christmas market in France is anabsolute stunner. First off you have thespectacularly pretty pickled-in-the-past olddistrict, winding cobbled streets, canal sidepaths, elegant squares, half-timbered housesand medieval architecture.Then there’s the food. Strasbourg in winter is theperfect time to enjoy the hearty local cuisinelike meaty backeoffe - beef, lamb and pork andveg stewed in white wine) and choucroute garnie– picked cabbage and sausage, best enjoyedin atmospheric winstubs and bierstubs – that’swine bars and beer bars to you and me, andAlsace excels at producing both. The scent ofgingerbread will assail your nostrils this timeof year, and with the Hansel and Gretel-likearchitecture – it’s pretty magical.What with 300 Christmas stalls, and enoughshops to keep even the most ardent ofshoppers happy including a year-roundChristmas store (yes, they do take it seriouslyhere), Christmas fans are going to be full ofglee and good cheer.Don’t miss the dazzling Cathedral which soarsinto the winter sky and brings an element ofgravitas to the Christmas season.Strasbourg Christmas market 2024:27November - 27-December.Rue des Orfèvres, Strasbourg Photo © Cédric Schell, OTSRPetite France, Strasbourg Photo © Cédric Schell, OTSRSarlat in winterTruffle Festival Sarlat © Sarlat TourismJanuary: Sarlat –enchanting and deliciousJanuary in Sarlat in the heart of Dordogne isgenerally chilly and uncrowded but for many,that makes it a really alluring time to visit. Theold town with its medieval and Renaissancebuildings is enchanting whatever the timeof the year – but with a spot of frost it’spositively sparkling! The fabulous Wednesdayand Saturday morning market is a mustdo,sprawling along the cobbled streets andpassages, bustling with shoppers, brimmingwith stalls full of the most delicious produce. It’sa cultural event as much as a market.In January, another market takes place – thefamous Truffle festival, where the prized local‘black gold’ funghi are the stars. Feast ontruffle-infused dishes, watch truffle-huntingdemonstrations, and join in truffle-huntingexcursions with excitable dogs.Sarlat Truffle Festival 2025: 18-19 JanuaryDetails: sarlat-tourisme.com54 | The Good Life France The Good Life France | 55
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