The Good Life France Magazine

The Good Life France Magazine brings you the best of France - inspirational and exclusive features, fabulous photos, mouth-watering recipes, tips, guides, ideas and much more...

Published by the award winning team at The Good Life France

3 months ago


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  • French riviera
Packed with fabulous features and fantastic photos, inspiring, entertaining and informative guides, mouth-watering recipes from top chefs, history, culture and much, much more. Discover the French Riviera in winter, effervescent Epernay, Champagne, picturesque Provence, and captivating towns and villages, hidden gems and secret France. Find out what's on, what's new and what to cook for a taste of France! Bringing France to you - wherever you are.

Mariages is not in use,

Mariages is not in use, pop inside to feast youreyes on its ornate carved ceiling and Rococostyle paintings that tell the story of the city.Perpignan’s best-known heritage attraction isthe vast brick Palace of the Kings of Mallorca,built on an outcrop of rock, and the seat ofMallorcan power during the 13th and 14thcenturies. Join a guided tour of the royalapartments, banqueting hall, and chapel, andtake in the panoramic view of the Pyreneesfrom the top terrace.© H. Argence, Tourist Office Collioure, CRTL Occitaniepanoramic view over Collioure on a 45-minutetrip into the vineyards on the Petit TrainTouristique, before savouring more Catalanflavours at La Cuisine Comptoir.PerpignanNext day, it is just 20 minutes to Perpignanwhere we book into the 3* Hotel de la Loge,a 20-minute walk from the station. Offeringsimple but spacious rooms in the heart of thehistoric quarter, the 16th century buildingis located down a quiet alley opposite theGothic Loge des Mers. Now the city TouristOffice, the Loge was built as a trading roomfor merchants importing goods to Colliourefrom around the Mediterranean.Pick up a free map and wind through thenarrow streets of the pedestrianised old townto soak up the warm Mediterranean colours,the beguiling mix of retail and refreshment,and the city’s many cultural sites. Next door tothe Tourist Office, the courtyard of the TownHall is home to La Méditérrannée, a femalestatue by Aristide Maillol, born in nearbyBanyuls-sur-Mer in 1861. If the Salle desClose to our hotel on the banks of the riverTêt, the towering red brick Castillet is alsoimpossible to miss, a 14 th century fortress,city gate and one-time prison that wasadopted by the fast-growing city as itsemblem. Today it is home to a museum oflocal history and traditions.But not all Perpignan’s cultural attractionsare quite so obvious. Behind a sober façadein rue Emile Zola, we come across theextraordinary Hotel Pams, once the homeand factory of Pierre Bardou who set up theNew YouTube OBSESSIONFive years ago, a family moved from NewZealand to South West France.They fell in love with a traditional Frenchproperty: a maison de maître with attachedlongère. The property needed more work thanthey could afford or had ever done before, butthey decided to pursue their dream.Castillet © Perpignan TourismJOB cigarette paper factory here, before hisdaughter Jeanne and her husband Jules Pamstransformed it into a sumptuous Art Nouveautownhouse with upstairs courtyard garden.Now owned by the city, this glorious propertyis free to visit.We are also enthralled by the HyacintheRigaud Museum that houses the city’s fineThey are currently knee-deep in extensiverenovations, doing everything themselves andamassing an intrigued following on Instagramand YouTube. They offer a raw and honestglimpse into the reality of renovating a dreamproperty abroad, with beautiful results.JOIN THE JOURNEY...Statue of Saint Michel above the Basilica © Gael FontaineGrowing in Franceand watch the transformation unfold. Subscribeto their YouTube channel to catch every nailbitingand heartwarmingscan to watchmoment. Tune in for anew video every Perpignan | The © Good Perpignan Life France TourismThe Good Life France | 75