The Good Life France Magazine

The Good Life France Magazine brings you the best of France - inspirational and exclusive features, fabulous photos, mouth-watering recipes, tips, guides, ideas and much more...

Published by the award winning team at The Good Life France

3 months ago


  • Text
  • Provence
  • Paris
  • Visit france
  • French
  • France
  • Travel
  • Burgundy
  • French alps
  • French riviera
Packed with fabulous features and fantastic photos, inspiring, entertaining and informative guides, mouth-watering recipes from top chefs, history, culture and much, much more. Discover the French Riviera in winter, effervescent Epernay, Champagne, picturesque Provence, and captivating towns and villages, hidden gems and secret France. Find out what's on, what's new and what to cook for a taste of France! Bringing France to you - wherever you are.

© Jeremy

© Jeremy FlintMeandering through picturesque locks andpleasant countryside, we moored up for ourfirst night near Nogent, alongside a field ofvibrant sunflowers which glowed as the sun set.Cruising theCanal de Bourgogne© Jeremy FlintThe locksOne of the things people wonder about arethe locks. Well on this route the locks are alloperated by friendly lock keepers between9am to 12pm and 1pm to 7pm, and the boatshave fenders for protection for when the waterswirls into and out of the lock chamber.The Burgundy Canal is a magnificent242km long waterway connecting Paristo Burgundy and though in its early daysit was an essential trading route, nowit’s perfect for a relaxing boat holidayand there’s no better way to experienceit than a self-drive Nicols boat saysJeremy Flint who floated along theglorious stretch of Northern Burgundiancountryside between Venarey-les-Laumes and Tanlay for a week.Navigating this spectacular route andbeautiful waterway takes you through theheartlands of the Cote D’Or. En route, you’llencounter magnificent landscapes, lush rollinghills, picturesque villages, wonderful wildlife,and historic treasures including the Châteaud’Ancy-le-Franc and the UNESCO WorldHeritage Site of Abbaye de Fontenay.But first we had to learn to drive! My SedanPRIMO boat was ideal for me and my wife, ifthere are more travellers, the Nicols fleet ofsmart, spacious motorboats caters for crewsof up to 10 family and friends. Everythingyou need is included from a well-equippedkitchen - to an outdoor terrace with gardenfurniture and even a parasol! We collectedour boat and after a brief explanation ofits intricacies and safety features, and withsufficient fuel for the length of the cruise and200 litres of water reserves, we set sail northtowards Montbard. Having never driven aboat before we were pleasantly surprised athow easy it is!© Jeremy Flint78 | The Good Life France The Good Life France | 79