The Good Life France Magazine brings you the best of France - inspirational and exclusive features, fabulous photos, mouth-watering recipes, tips, guides, ideas and much more...
Published by the award winning team at The Good Life France
Hidden NiceThe images conjured up in mostpeople’s minds by the word “Nice” (asin the French Mediterranean city notthe adjective!) are sea, sun, beachesand fabulous restaurants. But thecity has some hidden sites too – andthey’re well worth discovering saysChristina Mackenzie.Amongst these are four that reveal a broadspan of Nice’s history from prehistory tothe 19th century. Two of them are literallyhidden: underground or masquerading assubterranean parking!Model of homo erectus with fire © Christina MackenzieNice © OTC Nice MédiasPrehistoryYou may think you’ve made a mistake whenyou arrive at 25, Boulevard Carnot, theaddress of the recently modernised TerraAmata museum, because little on this blockof flats with its balconies flounced by blueand white striped awnings hints that this isanything but residential. But you’ll spy a signon the front, half obscured by bushes: “Muséede Terra Amata” and sure enough instead of90 | The Good Life France The Good Life France | 91
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Old town of Menton @Joëlle MartinM
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A Taste of Provence. © Exquisite,
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Villard-de-Lans © FOCUS OUTDOORVil
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: Pierre Lenoir and Saint Nicolas
Your one stop shop for the finest q
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LastWordAt the end of every year in