The Good Life France Magazine

The Good Life France Magazine brings you the best of France - inspirational and exclusive features, fabulous photos, mouth-watering recipes, tips, guides, ideas and much more...

Published by the award winning team at The Good Life France

3 months ago


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  • Provence
  • Paris
  • Visit france
  • French
  • France
  • Travel
  • Burgundy
  • French alps
  • French riviera
Packed with fabulous features and fantastic photos, inspiring, entertaining and informative guides, mouth-watering recipes from top chefs, history, culture and much, much more. Discover the French Riviera in winter, effervescent Epernay, Champagne, picturesque Provence, and captivating towns and villages, hidden gems and secret France. Find out what's on, what's new and what to cook for a taste of France! Bringing France to you - wherever you are.

Villa Lou PatioPalais

Villa Lou PatioPalais Lascaris © Christina Mackenziethe south by the Mediterranean and the westby the Paillon river.Reservations at the Centre du Patrimoine, 14rue Jules Gilly.Tip: Don’t wear heels as the ground is uneven.18th centuryThe most remarkable baroque monument inNice is the Palais Lascaris at n°15 rue Droite(which used to be the old city’s main street).This is interesting not only for its 17th centuryarchitecture, furniture, décor, frescoes andfabulous staircase but also for one of Europe’smost important collections of antique musicalinstruments gifted to the city by collectorAntoine Gautier in 1904.Tip: The Nice museum 4-day pass givesyou access to all of the city’s museums andgalleries at a very discounted price.The area around Nice is also filled with historyevident in the pickled-in-the-past villages,including lovely Saint-Paul-de-Vence whichis about 20km from the city. Kevin Suther ofVilla Lou Patio, a stunning rental holiday homenearby says “There’s so much ancient historyevident in this area, it’s like a journey throughtime. Pebbles and shells have been found thatprove that at the end of prehistory, the seawould have lapped the slopes of the hill onwhich the town is now perched. Roman tilesare nestled in the rampart walls, and buildingswhich date back several hundred years giveSt-Paul-de-Vence a unique charm.”Nice and the many villages offer not just wallto wall sunshine, mouth-watering gastronomyand fabulous wines – but a stew of rich historicremains at every level.Saint-Paul-de-Vence © Ewa MalyszThe perfect base for exploring the French RivieraPool – garden – 4 ensuite bedroomsPerfectly located, just minutes from St Paul de VenceVillaloupatio.com94 | The Good Life France The Good Life France | 95