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© Jeremy Flint © Jeremy Flint© Jeremy Flint © Jeremy FlintThe moulds are then clamped between stripsof wood and steamed at a low temperature ina home-made oven in the basement until thematerial takes shape. The moulds are then leftto dry completely, and the material is removedshowing not the slightest sign of a wrinkle.Artisanal pleating is very labour-intensiveand requires physical strength. Karen worksmostly alone, with occasional help fromhis wife, his sister or one of his children toassemble the larger moulds or pleat the mostimposing panels, which can measure up to3.5 meters long. Days are spent unfoldingand closing moulds, where each step is vital,every detail counts and the work demandsthe artist’s full attention.clients, but he also works with architects,interior designers, luxury boutiques, theatresand opera houses as well as artists to createsurreal, organic, imaginative, geometric andeven whimsical masterpieces.Karen’s finely pleated fabrics convey atimeless beauty – savoir-faire in action.See more of Karen’s work on the Maison du PliInstagram page: Q maison_du_plifabulously easy.Insurance services for English speakers in FranceMedical InsuranceHome InsuranceCar InsuranceVisa Insuranceand moreWe work with more than 30 insurers and many moreproviders so we are always able to find the best andmost affordable solution for your situation.We can help with:• Moving to France or Spain• Setting up and running abusiness• Help with VISA, residencyand work permits and taxes• Legal advice and Insurance• Healthcare advice“What excites me the most is the creative sideof my work. I enjoy being able to interpretmy clients’ desires in detail, whilst workingwith my hands” he says. Fashion houses suchas Valentino and Givenchy are amongst his© Jeremy FlintWe’ve got you covered.33 (0)5 35 65 50 50hello@fabfrenchinsurance.comwww.fabfrenchinsurance.comB +33 950 75 81 92a +34 711 05 32 k 98 | The Good Life France The Good Life France | 99
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Old town of Menton @Joëlle MartinM
best in the world. No other lemons
lemon everything at Au Pays du Citr
A Taste of Provence. © Exquisite,
Bernard Mure-Ravaud, Fromagerie Les
Villard-de-Lans © FOCUS OUTDOORVil
June every year since 1944 there ar
: Pierre Lenoir and Saint Nicolas
French immersion coursesLearn Frenc
of souls’, hombres so tough that
LastWordAt the end of every year in